The Silent
The Silent Is written by Rebecca Kenney it is FICTION - JUVENILE: Action & Adventure .It is a diary written by Nikki a 17 year girl who attends school in Mourning. Nikki is a Christian and her Dad is also. She attends school with two other kids who are Christians and they sit at the same table in the cafeteria . The other kids call it the prayer table.
One day when the bus arrived at school there were cops everywhere.They talked to all the teachers, principle, and students because some one had made e-mail threats against some teachers and students.
That night the principle found a roadkill cat on his patio.
A detective contacted Nikki and asked her to listen around and watch the students and see if she could get any information to help figure out who was making the threats.
Nikki and her dad attended Church meetings at other Christian's homes. Her Mom did not like them being Christians and left her dad. Nikki was devastated and her dad had to start working extra hours to make up for the loss of her mom's paycheck. Her brother Taylor had dropped out of college and was trying to find a job but not having any luck.
Two more cats were found around the school a few weeks later and they were roadkill too.No one had any idea who would do these things.
On Halloween , Haley ,Nikki's best friend called to say she was sick with the flue and would not be at school and Justin was leaving school at noon so Nikki was left at the prayer table alone. In one of the afternoon classes a boy stands and points a gun at the teacher.
Read the book to see what happens.
I enjoyed the book and would recommend it to others.
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