The Christmas Singing is an Amish Novel written by Cindy Woodsmall.
Mattie, a young Amish woman had moved to Ohio from Pa. when her beau Gideon was seen hugging an Englisher woman. He told Mattie that she should find some one else.
Mattie's maam had been very sick a few years before with lupus but was doing much better . Mattie talked her parents into allowing her to move to Ohio where one of her brothers ,James lived.
Mattie made and decorated cakes and had her own business and lived above it.
One day Mattie's Cakes caught on fire and burned to the ground. Mattie suffered smoke inhalation and was unconscious in the hospital. When Gideon heard he headed for Ohio to see about her. It was late at night when he arrived but was allowed to go in and see her. While he was sitting there holding her hand Sol, Mattie's now beau came in. They talked a few minutes and Gideon left to go back to Pa.
Gideon had found out he had lleukemia 3 years before and intended to tell Mattie over the holidays but Mattie had shown up at his place just as his English friend had came to tell him her leukemia was back in full force and he hugged her. Gideon allowed her to think he was seeing someone else.
Mattie is asked by her parents to come home after she was released for a few weeks.While there she runs into Gideon.
She soon realizes she is still in love with him and finally tells her the truth.
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